Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday

I had a great birthday this weekend.  I am not sure what it is about motherhood but in a lot of ways it makes me so much more relaxed.  This is probably weird, but I am going to throw it out there because, well, you all know I am weird.

Usually on my birthday, there is so much anticipation about what to do, presents, etc. that I am usually stressed, disappointed, etc. on the actual day.  This is no discredit to Bill or anyone else for that matter, it has been like this for as long as I can remember.  I have always thought my birthday was just so so.  I usually take much more pleasure in celebrating other's birthdays.

This year, things just seemed different.  Maybe it is because I have so much to celebrate.  Maybe it is because I am content and satisfied with my little family.  Maybe it is simply because life is a lot better when you are not thinking of yourself all the time (28 1/2 years was long enough folks).  Whatever it is, this birthday just seemed extra special.

The day started out with a 5K.  I know, right! I cannot think of a better way to start the day.  Well, actually Starbucks' started the day because a birthday isn't a birthday without Starbucks.

(Second time, same picture.  Don't say you don't love it.)

Bill's work hosted a friend's and family 5K for Hertz employees and their families.  It was a great but small event.  Because Bill's work is very secure, I cannot visit him at work and it was nice to be able to finally meet people.  Everyone has been so generous with gifts for little E and I really enjoyed being able to thank them in person and get to know them a little better.

I was third woman overall and Evan was first (and only) in his age group. :)

After the race, Bill, Evan and I went to the Edmond Arts Festival.  The festival is pretty small, but it is fun to walk around, look at art, and people watch.

My plans to carry Evan around were derailed by the sun and 85 degree temperatures at 10:00 a.m. (lets not even get me started on how hot it will likely be this summer).   Bill and I were a little worried about Evan's perfect skin getting burned, so we put the carrier back and opted for the stroller instead.  

Enter Operation Baby Hat.  We love being outside, especially in the summer.  If tater tot is going to come with us, he needs a hat.  So, after the arts festival and a much needed nap for Evan and Mommy, we decided to shop.  I planned (and still hope to get) a beach style hat that provides lots of shade for Evan's face and neck.  The hats we purchased on Saturday were a lot less practical.  BUT O MY GAWD, THEY ARE CUTE!  

He's ready to learn how to boil crawfish in this hat.  

Mini Bill times 1,000

4 1/2 months and already to cool for school 

At the Arts' Festival, Evan had to shut his eyes several times due to the sun.  Therefore, he NEEDED shades.  And no, babies did not survive 20 years ago without shades.  I don't know what you are talking about.  

After our shopping excursion, Evan, appropriately dressed, helped Daddy prepare Mommy's birthday dinner. 


I love shish-k-bobs! Seriously one of my favorites.  After we ate, I watched We Bought a Zoo.  Cute Movie, probably wouldn't watch it again.  (speaking of, I haven't watched a good movie in for-ev-er.  Suggestions folks). 

As much as I love all the Facebook messages, texts and phone calls, I was so happy to receive these birthday cards!  Getting personalized mail never gets old. 

Thanks everyone for making my birthday so great!  In fact, it was so wonderful, God decided to top it off with the supermoon! 

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